Client: Invista (UK)/ Lanza Tech (UK)/CPI (UK)
Objective: Technology design and evaluation of waste gas fermentation into value chemicals
Scope of work: Our client is developing new fermentation technology for the production of C4 chemicals and other value intermediates from waste gases. To support their R&D activities we proposed a complete design of the gas fermentation and product separation process and assessed it for the technological and economic viability. To achieve this, the following tasks have to be completed: development of process concept for the complete waste to chemicals plant, detailed mass and energy balance of the plant, technology selection and preliminary equipment design, energy study and optimization, full-scale economic evaluation of the project (CAPEX, OPEX and Financial Analysis). In addition to the main plant, a similar study has been performed for the OBL parts of the plant which include connections to the waste gas source, waste gas compression and storage.